Dentist Dr Nick White uses a shade guide during a cosmetic dentistry consultation to determine the colour of dental veneers.

Porcelain Veneers Hervey Bay

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment used to alter the shape, colour, size, or arrangement of visible teeth. They are thin facings or shells of high-quality, tooth-coloured material bonded to the front surface of the teeth.

Dental veneers can be made from porcelain (ceramic) or composite resin. They are most often used to mask imperfections, making discoloured, chipped, or slightly crooked teeth look more uniform and natural. Veneers are also used to close gaps between teeth.

Veneers can

  • be placed on one or more teeth
  • be used on the upper and lower front teeth
  • be used alongside other treatments.

Before veneers can be placed, the underlying teeth and gums must be strong and healthy. If veneers are being placed to brighten the smile, teeth whitening may be recommended before treatment begins.

What types of dental veneers can you choose from?

At White Dental Co., our dentist, Dr Nick White, offers composite and porcelain veneers.

Composite resin veneers

Composite resin veneers are made of high-quality composite resin, the same material used for white fillings.

Dr Nick will either match the colour of the nearby natural teeth or use a different (usually lighter) shade if the patient has requested a brighter smile.

Composite resin is applied to the teeth directly and built up in very thin layers to mimic the natural layers of dentine and enamel. The resin is hardened with a curing light and polished to a high lustre.

One of the benefits of composite veneers is they can be completed in our practice in a single appointment. The fee per tooth is generally lower than for porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are made of high-quality dental ceramic, a robust and durable material with properties very similar to natural enamel. The ceramic veneers must be hand-built by dental ceramists to the specifications determined by the dentist.

The fitting of porcelain veneers takes two or more appointments. Dr Nick will first remove a sliver of enamel from the front of the tooth to allow space for the porcelain; otherwise, the veneers will look and feel too thick. Dr Nick will send impressions of the trimmed teeth, photos of the neighbouring teeth, and a detailed colour prescription to the ceramist. The patient will leave this appointment wearing temporary veneers.

Two weeks later, the veneers will be ready for a try-in appointment. Once Dr Nick and the patient are happy with the fit and appearance of the new veneers, they’ll be bonded in place and polished.

Our dentist, Dr Nick White, provides dental veneers in Hervey Bay.
A close-up showing an A3 shade tab held against the patient's central incisors to determine the colour of the teeth.

How long do dental veneers last?

Unfortunately, a dental veneer is not considered to be a permanent restoration.

Composite resin is relatively soft compared to teeth, so it may chip and attract stains over time. This type of veneer may need regular polishing, repair, or even replacement.

In comparison, porcelain is strong, durable and stain-resistant but can still be damaged.

How to keep veneers looking their best

Like your natural teeth, veneers need to be cleaned daily and protected from anything likely to cause them damage.

Athletes will be encouraged to wear a custom-made mouthguard during games and training. Dr Nick will recommend a nightguard (occlusal splint) for people who grind their teeth. A regular visit to the dentist ensures all is well with your teeth, gums, and veneers.

Are there alternatives to veneer treatment?

Alternative cosmetic dentistry treatments to composite or porcelain veneers include

  • teeth whitening – a method of brightening teeth that doesn’t require alterations to the tooth surface
  • dental bonding – the placement of smaller amounts of composite resin to repair imperfections, chips, and cracks or close small gaps
  • dental crowns – these are much larger restorations than veneers, covering the entire tooth and not just the front. Porcelain crowns may be used alongside veneers to restore heavily filled or decayed teeth.
  • orthodontic alignment – if the desired improvement is to correct crooked or misaligned teeth, a course of orthodontic treatment may provide the best outcome.

How much do dental veneers cost?

The fee for dental veneers can be affected by several factors: the type of material, the number of veneers, whether additional dental services are needed, and the overall complexity of the case. Dr Nick will provide a cost estimate before treatment begins.

Because they are custom-made off-site and require two or more treatment appointments, porcelain veneers cost more than composite dental veneers.

If you’re considering cosmetic changes to your smile, book an appointment to chat with Dr Nick White.

Book an appointment to find out more about dental veneers

Dr Nick is happy to answer all your questions about porcelain veneers and alternative treatments to enhance the appearance of your smile.

Making an appointment at White Dental Co. is easy!

Call us (07) 4313 1777 during business hours or book online.

Or drop by to make a time at Suite 10 Madsen Medical, 17 Hershel Court, Hervey Bay 4655