Kelly, one of White Dental Co.’s fabulous dental assistants, shares a smile across the front desk as she helps a patient make an appointment for teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening in Hervey Bay

White Dental Co. offers two methods of teeth whitening: in-chair treatments and at-home kits.

Teeth whitening has become a popular cosmetic dental treatment. It’s a treatment that may be offered by itself or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures, such as porcelain veneers.

Many types of whitening treatments are available, and these vary in their effectiveness, cost, and safety. 

After noticing their teeth are discoloured, many people initially try over-the-counter treatments like whitening toothpaste. These are sometimes sufficient to remove surface stains from coffee, wine, and other foods and drinks. The most well-known whitening toothpaste brands are safe to use and relatively inexpensive.

If whitening toothpaste doesn’t work, it’s tempting to do an internet search for stronger whitening solutions or home remedies that claim to be completely safe (they’re not!). We strongly recommend that you don’t do this. If good quality whitening toothpaste hasn’t brightened your teeth sufficiently, it’s time to speak to a dentist.

Our dentist, Dr Nick White, welcomes inquiries about how to brighten teeth safely.

Will whitening work for you?

Before whitening is attempted, it’s critical to determine what has caused the teeth to lose their brightness. So, the first step Dr Nick takes when a patient asks about whitening is to examine their teeth to determine what’s causing the discolouration.

During this examination, Dr Nick is also on the lookout for anything that might lead to extreme tooth sensitivity during treatment. This includes

  • thin or worn enamel
  • receding gums
  • tooth decay
  • broken teeth or fillings
  • existing tooth sensitivity.

If such conditions exist, Dr Nick will recommend treating them before embarking on any whitening procedure. It’s essential to begin with a healthy smile!

In most cases, professional teeth cleaning will precede a whitening treatment. Sometimes, cleaning alone makes teeth brighter!

Using a shade guide to determine the current shade of this patient’s teeth.

Teeth whitening options at White Dental Co.

White Dental Co. offers two methods of teeth whitening: in-chair treatments and at-home kits.

In-chair whitening treatments

In-chair teeth whitening is an effective method conducted within our practice. We use Colgate’s White Light-Up 10% In-Office Kit. Colgate’s serum contains 10% hydrogen peroxide, which is strong enough to irritate gums and cause soft tissue damage. For the safety of patients, this strength serum is only available for in-office application by professional dentists.

During treatment, Dr Nick will apply a whitening serum to the front of each tooth. Next, he uses an LED device to amplify the whitening. Results are typically seen after 30 minutes of treatment. 

Dr Nick has chosen to use the Colgate Whitening System because it whitens teeth effectively in a relatively short period. He likes that the system has been designed to minimise post-whitening sensitivity (which frequently occurred with earlier in-chair whitening systems).

After treatment, our patients can take the LED device home for occasional whitening touch-ups. Patients can purchase the Colgate Whitening Pen, which contains a 6% whitening solution. Dr Nick will explain how (and how often) to use the pen safely at home.   

Take-home teeth whitening treatments

At-home whitening kits offer a more gradual, regulated approach to whitening. Dr Nick prefers Colgate’s Optic White Light-Up Dentist-Exclusive Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kit (with 6% hydrogen peroxide) for a more comfortable patient experience. 

Unlike other whitening kits, Optic White Light-Up doesn’t require impressions, custom-fitted trays, whitening gels, or extended wearing times. Instead, the patient is shown how to paint their teeth with the whitening serum using a precision pen. Then, they wear an LED whitening device for 10 minutes for up to 10 days.   

Most people experience little or no sensitivity with Colgate’s take-home whitening kits, but Dr Nick’s instructions must be followed carefully to achieve the best results.

Before you begin whitening treatment, Dr Nick will explain the fees, timelines, benefits, and risks associated with each option so you can decide which best suits your needs.

Keeping your smile bright after a teeth whitening procedure

Teeth will stay brighter for longer after whitening if you follow some simple guidelines. Drinking coffee, red wine, or other tooth-staining foods and beverages can quickly reverse whitening. Daily brushing and flossing, drinking plenty of water, choosing a tooth-friendly diet, and having regular dental checkups will help keep your teeth and gums healthy and looking their best.

Make an appointment to find out if teeth whitening will work for you

We aim to give all Hervey Bay and Fraser Coast locals an opportunity to enjoy a bright smile.

Making an appointment at White Dental Co. is easy!

Call us (07) 4313 1777 during business hours or book online.

Or drop by to make a time at Suite 10 Madsen Medical, 17 Hershel Court, Hervey Bay 4655