Dr Nick and a patient in the treatment room during an appointment. Both are laughing at a shared joke.

Dental Crowns and Bridges Hervey Bay

Dental crowns and bridges have many roles in modern dental treatment. While they are related treatments, crowns and bridges are not the same.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a restoration that covers most or all of a single tooth. Very broken down teeth or very heavily filled teeth may need a crown to

  • recreate the tooth’s natural form. This can help improve the bite, reduce food impaction, and makes the tooth easier to keep clean.
  • protect and fortify the remaining natural tooth structure
  • cosmetically improve the tooth’s appearance.

A crown is often needed after root canal treatment, especially if the treated tooth is a molar. Root canal treatment requires removing a significant amount of internal tooth structure, making the tooth more susceptible to fracture. A crown protects the tooth from breakage.

How is a dental crown made?

Unlike a filling, a crown is made in a dental laboratory by a skilled technician. Our dentist, Dr Nick White, chooses to work with high-quality Australian dental laboratories to produce durable, long-lasting crowns.

What types of crowns are available?

There are several different types of crowns, and each has its place in modern dentistry. Dr Nick evaluates the needs of each tooth and provides recommendations and options to each patient.

Options include

  • Tooth-coloured (porcelain or ceramic) crowns that mimic natural teeth.
  • Some tooth-coloured crowns are reinforced by a metal substructure and are used if strength or durability is needed.
  • If aesthetics is the focus of treatment, metal-free ceramic crowns are the treatment of choice. Our technicians can reproduce shades and characteristics of tooth enamel to make crowns virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.
  • Full-metal crowns, particularly those made of gold alloys. Dentists may recommend this type of crown
  • in cases that need high-strength solutions
  • where aesthetics are not of concern to the patient
  • as a more budget-friendly option.

Dental crowns are not the same as porcelain veneers, although both services might be offered as part of a patient’s cosmetic dentistry treatment.

A patient looks on with a mirror as Dr Nick uses a shade guide to determine the colour of her natural teeth.
A porcelain crown sitting next to the stone die on which it was built.

What is a dental bridge?

Dental bridges are used to replace missing teeth.

In most bridges, the teeth on either side of the gap support the replacement tooth. Each supporting tooth is trimmed to receive a dental crown. The bridge consists of

  • a replacement tooth that fills the gap left by the missing tooth and is attached to
  • two crowns that fit over the teeth on either side of the gap.

Dental bridges are bonded in place with the expectation that they will last for many years.

What are the alternatives to dental bridges?

Tooth implants or partial dentures can also replace missing teeth.

Tooth-coloured dental bridges

A cosmetic option is usually preferred when a dental bridge is visible in the person’s smile. Dr Nick works closely with talented Australian dental technicians to create beautiful tooth-coloured bridges that blend with the natural teeth in the smile.

Dental bridges can also be made out of metal (gold) alloys.

How many appointments are needed for crowns and bridges?

Usually, two appointments are required to fit dental crowns or bridges, but each case is unique.

Dr Nick will explain the options, risks and benefits, fees, and appointment requirements before your treatment begins.

For quality dental crowns and bridges, visit our friendly and caring team in Hervey Bay

Dr Nick White and his team of dental professionals can assist with all your restorative dental needs.

Making an appointment at White Dental Co. is easy!

Call us (07) 4313 1777 during business hours or book online.

Or drop by to make a time at Suite 10 Madsen Medical, 17 Hershel Court, Hervey Bay 4655