Dr Nick White wearing magnifying loupes on his glasses to enhance his vision during a root canal therapy procedure

Root Canal Treatment Hervey Bay

Root canal treatment is a dental service that saves teeth. Before this treatment was developed, infected, abscessed or heavily damaged teeth had to be extracted. Now they can be retained through root canal treatment.

What is a root canal?

The root canal is an anatomical space inside the tooth root. This space usually contains pulp tissue: connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels vital to the tooth’s health.

If the tooth develops a deep cavity or cracks or sustains a blow, the internal tissues can become inflamed or infected. This usually leads to a toothache or abscess.

What is root canal treatment?

The dentist will remove the pulp tissue and clean and shape the root canal system. They will then place an internal root filling to prevent reinfection.

Before treatment begins

If you come into our practice with toothache, our dentist, Dr Nick White, will

  • assess your symptoms
  • take an x-ray of the painful tooth
  • provide a diagnosis.
Dr Nick White looks at a dental x-ray with a patient
Dr Nick White examines a patient's teeth at White Dental Co in Hervey Bay

If Dr Nick determines that root canal therapy can save the tooth, he will

  • explain the treatment, its risks, and benefits
  • explain the alternatives, their risks, and benefits
  • provide an estimate of timeframes and costs
  • answer your questions.

Root canal treatment usually requires three appointments. Additional appointments are needed for the restorative phase.

If specialist care is required, Dr Nick will provide a referral to an endodontist.

The four stages of root canal treatment

Appointment 1: Removal of the infected and inflamed nerve tissue

The tooth is numbed and isolated with a rubber dam. The dentist cuts a small opening through the enamel and dentine, providing access to the root canals. Next, they flush the tooth with antibacterial solutions and remove infected and inflamed tissue. Finally, they’ll place an antibiotic paste into the canal and seal the tooth with a temporary filling.

After the appointment, there may be residual discomfort, but in most cases, patients report feeling much more comfortable.

Appointment 2: Cleaning and shaping of the root canals

With the initial infection under control, the dentist will focus on cleaning and shaping the entire root canal system. Most teeth have between one and four root canals. A series of x-rays help the dentist to locate each canal and measure its length. The canals will be cleaned and shaped, ready to be filled at the next appointment.

Once again, the dentist will seal an antimicrobial paste into the canals with a temporary filling.

Appointment 3: Filling the root canals

If the tooth has been comfortable and there are no signs of residual infection, the root canals can be filled. A series of x-rays help the dentist visualise the procedure to ensure no voids in the root canal system. The tooth is now “root-filled”; the dentist will place another temporary filling in the opening.

Next appointment/s: Restoring the tooth

Your dentist will restore the tooth to ensure it remains functional and looks good. The choice of restoration will be influenced by

  • how much damage was caused by decay
  • the number, size, and type of pre-existing fillings
  • whether the tooth is a molar.

Sometimes a directly-placed filling will provide adequate protection and aesthetics. Other teeth will do better with the placement of a crown. Your dentist will explain the options, costs, and timeframes at the beginning of your treatment.

How long do root-filled teeth last?

With ongoing homecare (thorough daily brushing and flossing) and regular dental inspections, a well-restored root-filled tooth is likely to last 10+ years.

What if you don’t want root canal treatment?

The only alternative treatment is the removal of the tooth. Your dentist will recommend extraction if root canal treatment is unlikely to be successful.

If the extracted tooth needs to be replaced, your dentist can place a denture, bridge, or dental implant.

Contact our friendly team for all your dental needs.

If a tooth is troubling you, don’t ignore it. Make an appointment with Dr Nick White for an assessment and to receive any necessary treatment.

Making an appointment at White Dental Co. is easy!

Call us (07) 4313 1777 during business hours or book online.

Or drop by to make a time at Suite 10 Madsen Medical, 17 Hershel Court, Hervey Bay 4655