Dental fillings are a treatment provided by Dr Nick White of White Dental Co. in Hervey Bay.

Dental Fillings in Hervey Bay

Fillings are used to rebuild broken or chipped teeth and cavities caused by decay.

Dentists place fillings to replicate the tooth’s original shape so it can function as usual.

Several filling materials are used in modern dentistry, and all are available in our practice. Our dentist, Dr Nick White, uses his years of experience to gauge which material is likely to work best in each situation. He’ll make recommendations that respect the preferences of the patient. 

A filling is generally placed in a single appointment under a local anaesthetic.

What is the best type of dental filling?

We only use high-quality, clinically proven products made by reputable dental companies. There is no single best treatment for a decayed or broken tooth. The selection of filling material depends on many factors.

Composite resin

The most frequently used filling material in our practice is composite resin. Composite resin is a tooth-coloured filling that comes in many shades that blend beautifully with natural teeth. It adheres to enamel and can be hand-shaped to match the natural curves of the tooth. These fillings even have a role to play in cosmetic dentistry because they blend into the smile so well.

Composite resin is suitable for 

  • Tooth-coloured fillings in front and back teeth
  • Dental bonding (to close gaps between teeth)

While composite resin creates strong small and medium-sized fillings, it isn’t always the best solution for very large fillings.  

Glass ionomer cement

Glass ionomer cement is another type of adhesive filling. It is used when the tooth is at risk of decaying again in the future. Its fluoride-enriched formula makes it harder for decay to get a foothold.

Dr Nick often places this filling in 

  • Children’s teeth 
  • At-risk teeth of patients with a dry mouth
  • The root surfaces of patients with receding gums

This material is not suitable for permanently filling large cavities.

Dental amalgam

While amalgam is now rarely used in our practice, this material still has a place in modern dentistry. Being a metal-based material, it’s not aesthetic, but it’s much more robust than dental resins or cement. 

Dr Nick may offer amalgam as a cost-effective solution to restore a large cavity.

Inlays and onlays

When a molar tooth has a large cavity, it presents a restorative challenge. The filling material needs to be strong enough to withstand chewing forces. If the remaining tooth structure is weak, the filling may need to protect it from future damage. The dentist must also consider a patient’s preference for a tooth-coloured option.

Sometimes, a heavily damaged tooth fares best with a crown. But placing a crown involves removing even more natural tooth structure. Dr Nick prefers to take a more conservative approach whenever possible.

Dr Nick may offer a ceramic or gold inlay or onlay as an option to consider. This type of restoration is long-lasting, stronger than other fillings, and, when made of ceramic, tooth-coloured. It is also a more conservative procedure than a crown. 

Inlays and onlays are made in a dental laboratory, making their placement a two-appointment procedure. They also cost more than other fillings, but their often greater lifespan offsets this.

Dr Nick White sits at the dental chair wearing a mask, glasses, and gloves as he places a dental filling in a patient’s tooth.
The interior of White Dental Co. reveals beautiful relaxing decor with accents of navy and gold.

Take care of your fillings

Fillings themselves don’t decay, but they can chip or break, and decay can damage the surrounding tooth. So Dr Nick encourages all of his patients to take great care of their fillings by keeping them and the teeth and gums around them clean. Being proactive about prevention is the best approach because healthy teeth are essential for a healthy life.

Dr Nick carefully inspects all existing fillings during a dental check-up. He will sometimes recommend an x-ray to check for hidden decay.

Making an appointment for dental fillings

If teeth are damaged by decay or cracks, they need to be assessed and treated. For quality dental fillings, make an appointment with our friendly team for prompt and gentle dental care.

Making an appointment at White Dental Co. is easy!

Call us (07) 4313 1777 during business hours or book online.

Or drop by to make a time at Suite 10 Madsen Medical, 17 Hershel Court, Hervey Bay 4655