The ocean from Urangen Pier, Hervey Bay

The White Dental Co. Story – Part 1

| Written by Dr. Nick

Emilie White, Owner and practice manager of White Dental Co., explains the story behind our practice’s name, brand colours, and logo.

When we first decided to open our own practice, there were instantly about 7006 decisions to make! 

For many years, we’d spoken and dreamed about building our own practice. We asked ourselves

  • Whereabouts in Hervey Bay should we locate the practice? 
  • What do we want to be known for? 
  • Which dental technology should we invest in to ensure we provide high-quality dentistry? 
  • What features can we incorporate into the practice to create a warm and welcoming environment for our patients?

And the big one: What should we call our practice, and how should we brand ourselves?

Now, having made decision #1 (to open our own practice), it was crunch time. 

What’s in a name?

We started with the name. Of course, the options were almost endless.

We wondered, should we incorporate ‘Hervey Bay’ into the name? After all, it’s our favourite place in the world and the town in which we’ve chosen to settle and raise a family.

Should the name reflect one or more of our values: caring, teamwork, health and well-being, quality dental care, and continuous improvement? 

Perhaps we needed to incorporate something about smiling and joy, reflecting the personalities of the team we would build around us.

We made lists. 

We asked friends and family. 

We brainstormed almost endlessly.

In the end, we decided to keep it simple. We decided to use our family name. After all, it’s who we are.

And so White Dental Co. was born.

Our logo and brand

Next, we needed to decide on our branding. I love design and was excited to be leading this process.

The inspiration for our brand colours came from this photo of the ocean taken from the Urangan Pier.

The ocean from Urangen Pier, Hervey Bay

We played around with our new practice name to see if a logo would emerge – and to our surprise, it did! From the W of White, a tooth emerged – so appropriate for a dental practice! 

And on top of the W sits a smile :) which we love.

White Dental Co. Tooth Cobalt

Our beautiful logo adorns our business cards, our website, and our walls. It represents Nick’s dedication to his profession and our vision of helping our patients achieve optimal oral health and overall wellness through personalised care, cutting-edge technology, and a warm, supportive environment.

With our name and branding decided, we were able to move on to our other decisions with joy and excitement in our hearts.

And, 7006 decisions later, White Dental Co. began trading on 1 July 2020 and opened its doors on 1 March 2021. 

I look forward to bringing you more of White Dental Co.’s story in future articles.